From ancient times, people have associated destiny with certain numbers. In the Mayan civilisation, the number 9 was deemed inauspicious, while in Mesopotamia number 5 was associated with fertility and well-being. But none of these numbers has withstood the test of time like number 13. Romans believed that the number was the symbol of death. As per a Norse legend, the 13th guest at a banquet was the epitome of evil. In the Last Supper, Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus for thirty silver coins, was the 13th to sit at the table. The number still frightens many societies all over the world. There is no building in Paris that bears the number 13. Italy omits the number from its national lottery. In the US the economy registers the loss of about $ billion, owing to the cancellation of trains, planes and business places and to the absenteeism from workplaces on the thirteenth day of every month. In 1911, the word 'Triskaidekaphobia', meaning the fear of 'thirteen', was coined.
A successful failure
After the 13th Apollo Space Mission was given a final shape in 1970, scientists were thinking over the schedule of its launch. Those who finally came out with a time chart took exception to the number 13 belief. As per the chart, the spacecraft took off at 13:13 (1:00 pm) on April 11 so that it could reach space on April 13. But what happened on April 13 was something unexpected. There was an explosion on board and the spacecraft leaked oxygen. Despite great hardship caused by severe constraints on power and cabin heat the crew successfully returned to earth. The mission was thus called a "successful failure". Another event connected with number 13 took place on April 13, 1928, in Puerto Rico, Florida. In a hurricane, 2,000 people were killed and damage worth $ 25 million was caused.
The symbol of luck
All these events notwithstanding, we can't completely regard number 13 as ominous. Some religions and people revere the number as the symbol of luck. As per a famous Sakhi (a story of Guru Nanak), the Guru believed the divine grace resides in number 13. Vaishaki w