Sunday, February 17, 2008

Rain : a mischevious bedmate

A few days back. I was triying to wade through sleeplessness. Books are at a hand's distance. But none of them was not able to tire my eyes. There was a musical concert on air. But my radio set was so running out of power that if I had switched it on, it would have jerked to a noisy halt, forcing others to wake up. I lay on and on. Like a bottled Jinn.
Then it rained. The cool breeze, intruding through the broken window panes, trickled my eyelids. Wet my lips. And, like a vampire, forced me to mindlessly come out of room. There i had a strange communion with rain. It was like finding someone, while being desperate to find one. Finally we slept together on terrace.
Since real incidents don't necessarily have a climax, i conclude here. But let it be a beginning. I will be back with many postings.

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