Now it’s almost two months since I have entered the cave. Have my dreams shattered? Have my expectations dissolved in the thin air? Is the goblin’s laughter reverberating within the four walls of the legendary Goenka’s sanctum sanctorum?
Only my well-wishers can answer these questions. I, as is my wont, am prone to analysis:
Since camaraderie was built into the contours of teaching profession, I always felt that I was working within a community. After all, I was not sitting in front a computer whose nerves have never circulated blood.
Having the eyes of around 20 students glued on to your face, your mannerisms, gesticulations and all means you should have something within you for others to depend. If you lack it, you should try to have it, updating yourself all the same. When someone becomes a teacher, he/she inks an invisible deal with a group of students. A trust, which, if you break, will take you to perdition. Hold onto it, it will establish you as a source of light for many.
But being established is the only downside of this holy profession. It is more like a way of life. You will be floating in a stream, whose depth has been vastly reduced by the sedimentation of syllabi and curricular requirements. You will be trapped in the dangerous vortex of an overhanging university.
Nevertheless, journalism in India is more established and more politically motivated. At a time when boundaries blur and cultural isolation is more or less a thing of past, media can’t be as free as they boast. The taste of readers is all that sets the agenda of Indian journalism. It’s the four F’s, as Kushwanth Singh rightly observes, that bring bucks to a journalist’s pocket: frolic, film, fashion and fabrication.
As far as my two month’s experience in TNE is concerned, there does not seem to be much I can contribute to the profession. Packing news items with glittering and colorful trappings is what sub-editing is all about. What matters is the pace at which you design the pages to the imaginary satisfaction of a group of readers to whom newspaper is a nothing more than a necessary nuisance.
Still, the volcano of experience is getting fierce. It is coming close to eruption, when the readers, if any, can pick up something valuable. Then I won’t be a mechanical editor. But a journalist as free as he should be.
1 comment:
Kushwanth Singh said:
"But what annoyed me was the perfection with which he lifts most of the verses from the religious scriptures of non Islamic religions (most of them being from Vedas and Bible) and promotes them as the message of Allah. And added to this, Mohammad utters his own verses which shockingly are “war-oriented” and “sex-oriented”. This trick of Mohammad of “revelation” from “Allah (?)” goes on till his death. (A serious reader of Koran can easily recognize and distinguish the verses uttered by Mohammad that reflects his cunning ways and the dangers of Islam.)"
For the obvious purpose of making money an immigrated muslim woman and her son falsely and intentionally accuse a 73 years old Swedish pensioner for having thretened to killr her - she demands SEK 50,000 ($8,500) in damages.
On the blogsite http://mordhotadmuslima.blogspot.com/ please read a description in condenced form in English of an event that probabely will become increasingly common as time goes on and the friction between various immigrants of non western origin and ethnic citizens are increasing. The condenced story was originally published at Gates of Vienna:
The present event has been reported to the police by the muslim party as a murder threat, and the police absurdly suspects the pensioner for having thretened to kill the muslim woman.
After the short description in English of this case there follows the unabridged original argumenting description in Swedish, actually in form of a polis(counter)report for false denunciation and unlawful threat.
A legal practice has evolved in Sweden whereby any Swedish citizen who is not a "person of Swedish background" - i.e. not belonging to the indigenous Swedish population but in most cases has an exclusive immigrant background -
can bring legal action against anyone they allege has hurt their feelings or insulted them, in reference to gender, sexual orientation, skin colour, religion, nationality and more and with damages amounting anywhere from $2,000 to $20,000 USD, under penal code (brottsbalken) 16:8 - a totally insane rubber paragraph.
More can be read about this legislation here at Vidare:
Anybody in Sweden can become a victim of this modern thievery. The money after minor judicial proceedings is confiscated from the offender by the state and then handed directly to the offended party. The law is so lax that you could conceivably ask any foreign looking Swede the time, to which s/he might take offense and set the police on you from their cellphone.
We indigenous Swedes are today governed by a system that cares more about strangers than of us - that prefers to provide for the wellbeing of strangers than for us; we "persons of Swedish background", who together with our ancestors has built the country and who, by an uniquely in the world high taxation, make it possible for our repugnant power-elite to attend, without consent of us the people, to residence and subsistence for all these strangers, many of whome are smuggled into the country, from totally alien cultures.
Please spread this URL: http://mordhotadmuslima.blogspot.com/ around the Net in order to break the silence around this absurd accusation and this travesty of law. Copies of this message and the URL will be distributed to as many people as possible, the press, public authorities etc. and to individual bloggers and readers all over Europe. In the end of the blogsite there will be a register of all addresses this humble and urgent request has been sent to.
Thank you for you cooperation!
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Participating on the blog do: the Heavenly and allmighty Santa&Brownie Allah, the Bedouinjerk Mohammed, Einstein, Erica Sherover Marcuse, Willie Kunze, Amin el-Husseini, Adolf Hitler, Moona Muslim, Yassir Arafat, Ali Al-Faqir, Ibrahim 'Alloush, Susanne Winter, Gregorius Nekschot, Aisha Mohammed, Bill Warner, DO, Asmaa Abdol-Hamid, Mark Gabriel, Jan Hjärpe, Mohammad Fazlhashemi, Shaitan, Bush & Reinfeldt, prince Charles, Klein & Weiderud, Francis Fukuyama, ms Gustafsson and the Special Squad for Virtuel Kafircrimes of the Criminal Police in Lund (SSVKCP).
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