Crop circles on Salisbury Plain Mysteries have always fascinated people. With the passage of time, mysteries have undergone change. If in olden times it was the yeti and other mysterious creatures, now it is extra-terrestrial visits and UFOs that tease our brains. The crop circles on Salisbury Plain date back to 1910. A woman, while working in her grandfather's wheat fields in Tilshed near Salisbury spotted the circles. The circles were formed by wheat being so firmly flattened that it could not be lifted without some springing back down'. Some crop circle researchers (known as 'cereologists') said that the famous Salisbury Plain megalith, Stonehenge, was itself built to commemorate the spot where a crop circle once formed. Some theories had it that the circles were left by extraterrestrials. After the circles got wide publicity, a farmer in the town said that the circles were his prank. He also demonstrated how he made them.
Loch Ness monsterIn Europe, most mysteries exist in Scotland. Scotland is proud of a rich native trad

ition which has nourished many myths and folklore. So the imaginative minds of the Scottish people have been able to fabricate many tales and mysteries, anthropologists say. One such mystery is that of the Loch Ness monster, nicknamed Nessie. Newspapers in Scotland have narrated sightings of a large dinosaur-like "monster" with flippers like the pre-historic reptiles. The monster has been a resident in Loch Ness for over a century. The case has occasionally been supported by indistinct photographic evidence. Several scientific studies, including sonar surveys, proved that such a "monster" did not exist. However people believe that underwater caves give the monster many places to hide.
Elvis has never diedElvis Presley, the rock legend, was so great an artist that people refused to let him die even after he died! A cultural icon, he was commonly called the 'The King of Rock 'n' Roll' or simply 'The King'. As per rep

orts the artist, born in 1935, died at the age of 42 (in 1977) after an illness caused by drug dependency. People, however, claimed to have seen him at many places since. Elvis has appeared in super markets and at petrol stations. Some even saw him work in bars. For the last three decades and more, 'Elvis sightings' have become part of the American popular culture, breaking even the record of UFO sightings in many parts of the country. A society devoted to Elvis sightings was formed. In Missouri, an 'Elvis is Alive Museum' was built. Psychologists argue that the death of some people is too hard to believe. Those who admire them always create a myth which will never die.
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